LíngAwesome helps web developers simplify multilingual translations with tokenized i18n. Use the 'ta-error-complete-required-fields' token to provide essential translations in your web apps, HTML, and forms efficiently into 10 popular languages.
LíngAwesome's token-based system makes it easy to add language tokens anywhere in your HTML, CMS or Site Builder for global accessibility. Focus on translating only the key elements.
<h1 class="" translate="no" ta-kit="ta-error-complete-required-fields">Error complete required fields</h1>
"Alle erforderlichen Felder ausfüllen" German translation
"complete all required fields" English translation
"complete todos los campos requeridos" Spanish translation
"remplissez tous les champs requis" French translation
"completare tutti i campi obbligatori" Italian translation
"모든 필수 항목을 입력하세요" Korean translation
"fullfør alle påkrevde felt" Norwegian translation
"complete todos os campos obrigatórios" Portuguese translation
"заполните все обязательные поля" Russian translation
"fyll i alla obligatoriska fält" Swedish translation
"tüm zorunlu alanları doldurun" Turkish translation
"请填写所有必填字段" Chinese translation
Learn how to integrate the ta-error-complete-required-fields token and thousands of standardized language tokens into your website or app, including platforms like HTML, WordPress, Shopify, WIX, and more.
Explore the Token Kits